18-20 November: World Cancer Congress 2022
On 18-20 October 2022, four years after its last Congress in Kuala Lumpur, the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) will rally the global cancer community in the capital of global health, Geneva, Switzerland. Home to the World Health Organization (WHO), UICC, and many other international health organisations, the World Cancer Congress looks forward to providing a stage to host some of the most influential stakeholders in public health and cancer control.
For the first time, the programme will combine sessions delivered in-person in Geneva which will be recorded onsite and made available on the dedicated online digital platform at the end of each Congress day. In addition, a full suite of digital content complementing the recorded sessions will be released on the online platform at the start of the Congress. Registered delegates and digital pass holders will have access to the platform for up to 3 months after the event.
Tobacco control has been firstly tackled in the morning session of 18 October, during the Tobacco Control Roundtable, organised by Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and Cancer Research UK. |
Moreover, ENSP French member Alliance Contre le Tabac - ACT will attend the World Cancer Congress as well. On 18 October, during the afternoon session “Tobacco Industry versus Public Health: How Communications can make a difference” organized by Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), ACT Director, Marion Catellin, will present the organisation's innovative approach for a smoke-free society through the campaign "Change their future" revealing the Big Tobacco’s human rights infringements. |
On 19 October, another special session will be dedicated to tobacco control, with the main theme of learning how to accelerate the integration of tobacco cessation into cancer care settings at the national or regional level. Among other distinguished speakers, ENSP will proudly be represented by Secretary General, Cornel Radu-Loghin.
Speakers of the session:
- Graham Warren, Medical University of South Carolina (United States)
- Antonella Cardone, Smoke Free Partnership (Belgium)
- Stephanie R. Land, National Cancer Institute (United States)
- Cornel Radu Loghin, European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP) (Belgium)
- Maria Sofia Cattaruzza, Italian Society of Tobaccology (SITAB) (Italy)
26 October: WHO FCTC Webinar on youth tobacco use and advertising
Join the WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub on Tobacco Surveillance on 26th October 2022, from 14:00 to 16:00 CET, for a webinar on “The Impact of the Implementation of the Article 13 of the WHO FCTC on Youth Tobacco Use”.
The objective of this event is to present the recent evidence-base for the importance of the accelerated implementation of the Article 13 of the WHO FCTC in the prevention of youth tobacco and e-cigarette use. The event is especially dedicated to regulators and experts in health promotion and tobacco use prevention.
2-6 November: The 27th National Congress of the Romanian Society of Pneumology
The 27th National Congress of SRP will take place this year between 2-6 November, and it represents a unique experience, as it will be held in a hybrid format, in Sinaia (Romania) and online. Thus, participants will be able to watch a series of live symposia, live-streamed from the halls, and visit the online exhibition and the e-poster areas.
The central theme of this Congress is Pulmonology: from science to multidisciplinarity and innovation, and aims to present scientific discoveries and major milestones in the current context of a multidisciplinary approach to respiratory diseases, as personalised medicine is becoming increasingly present in current medical practice.
On 4 November, the ENSP will hold a session focused on tobacco control in the context of Europe's beating cancer plan. Chaired by Prof Florin Mihălțan and Dr Monica Marc, the session will include presentations from multiple ENSP representatives: Cornel Radu-Loghin, Krzysztof Przewozniak, Karina Mocanu and Hani Al Gouhmani. |
14-16 November: ENSP Youth Tobacco Control Leadership School #YTCLS22
With a special focus on prevention and investment in training new tobacco control advocates, this year, the first ENSP Youth Tobacco Control Leadership School will be organised in Warsaw, Poland, between 14-16 November. This event is planned in close collaboration with the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, as well as with local organisers and colleagues from Poland: Collegium Civitas, National Research Institute of Oncology, and Foundation „Smart Health – Health in 3D” and other distinguished European partners. |
During 3 days, a group of young and motivated people will be intensively trained by experienced ENSP members and partners. Participants have been carefully selected among the ENSP Youth Group and other members active in EU countries, tobacco control and public health advocates from non-EU, Eastern, and Southern European countries, as well as students of Collegium Civitas and Warsaw Medical University. Within this unique gathering, the participants will get the chance to build leadership and advocacy skills of young European public health advocates in managing tobacco control programs and policies, as well as to share and exchange their knowledge on major current and future needs, threats, successes and challenges in tobacco control.
This programme aims to cover and support the following areas:
- Comprehensive curriculum of the interdisciplinary workshop on tobacco control leadership, coherent both with major tobacco control challenges and youth needs in Europe.
- Workshop materials kit ready to use in further youth tobacco control leadership and advocacy trainings at regional and country levels.
- Education of around 40 European youth tobacco control and public health advocates able to take lead in supporting and strengthening tobacco control in their countries, with a special focus on youth-targeted programs and policies.
- Expanding ENSP Youth Tobacco Control Group with new active members.
2 December: 6th ICO-WHO Symposium on Tobacco Control
On 6 December, from 9:00 to 17:00 CET, the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) in collaboration with WHO will organise a Symposium on Tobacco Control “Current perspectives for tobacco control”. |
The symposium will include sessions devoted to current perspectives on tobacco endgame, the state of implementation of tobacco control policies, effective ways of building capacity, as well as the presentation of the 2022 ranking of the Tobacco Control Scale.
Save the date! More information will be available soon! |
5-6 December: INCa International Scientific Conference on E-cigarette
On 5 and 6 December, the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) is organising an international scientific conference on e-cigarette in Paris, looking at two key research questions: "what are the health impacts?" and "what are the trajectories for users?" This conference will be based on a multidisciplinary approach: fundamental, humanities and social sciences, clinical, population health intervention research, and others.
The objective of this e-cigarette conference is to create a place of meeting and sharing good practices for international researchers and professionals working in the field of e-cigarettes, and more generally anyone interested in and working in tobacco control. It is intended to review ongoing research and identify any outstanding research questions by focusing on two central areas within this field: health effects and user trajectories.
Other news and publications
Launch of WHO Tobacco Cessation Consortium within the 2022 World Health Summit
The World Health Summit and the World Health Organization joined forces to foster global health and the well-being of all. The World Health Summit 2022 hosted in Berlin, between 16-18 October, is the first World Health Summit organised together with WHO is the first World Health Summit organised together with WHO, with the aim to create synergies and combine forces for global health development by engaging all relevant global health leaders and stakeholders from all sectors in all regions of the world.
The world continues to see a decline in the global number of tobacco users, marking important progress in the fight to protect people from the dangers of tobacco and Big Tobacco’s deceptive marketing strategies. But despite significant progress, hundreds of millions of tobacco users worldwide are denied the benefits of accessing essential tools and resources to help them quit. Helping people to quit tobacco use is vital to ending the tobacco epidemic. Tobacco cessation is a critical public health investment. It saves lives, protects health, and ultimately, saves governments money.
To bridge this gap, the World Health Organization has set up the Tobacco Cessation Consortium and marked its official launch on 17 October, during the World Health Summit. This informal high-level network of partners in private and public sectors will shape the pharmaceutical and digital markets, and drive consumers to access essential cessation support and treatment to deal with tobacco dependence. This is largely a business coalition that will support WHO’s work on cessation in a mutually beneficial way.
The launch of the Consortium was focused on the following objectives:
- Introduce the Consortium and highlight the importance of engagement with the private sector to promote tobacco cessation globally and in the high burden countries;
- Share perspectives on lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic on support to quitting and the way forward to scaling up support for tobacco users wanting to quit;
- Show commitment to the Consortium’s mission and its potential significance to achieving UHC and SDG targets to ensure health and well-being for all.
WHO FCTC Statement at the 11th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNTOC
Pursuant to article 32 of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, a Conference of the Parties to the Convention was established to improve the capacity of States Parties to combat transnational organized crime and to promote and review the implementation of this Convention. The eleventh session of the Conference has been held in Vienna from 17 to 21 October 2022.
The Head of Secretariat of the WHO FCTC, Adriana Blanco Marquizo, delivered a strong statement during the Conference, stressing the importance of a comprehensive multisectoral approach and international cooperation when it comes to eliminating illicit trade in tobacco products.
"I would also like to take this opportunity to invite international intergovernmental organizations to support the implementation of the Protocol and to acknowledge the role of tobacco control – and eliminating illicit trade - in the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.", she adds.
Call for support
European Citizens' Initiative - Tobacco-Free Environments
As the initiative
"Call to achieve a tobacco-free environment and the first European tobacco-free generation by 2030" was accepted by the commission, the organizing team moved forward with the preparation of the signing procedure, campaigning reserved for the next year. In order for the Commission to move forward with the recommendations proposed by this initiative, 1 million statements of support must be collected within 1 year, from at least 7 different Member States.
As a reminder, the measures proposed by the initiative are:
- Promote the first tobacco-free European generation by 2028, ending the sale of tobacco and nicotine products to citizens born since 2010.
- Create a European Net of tobacco-free and butts-free beaches and riverbanks, making these spaces more healthy and environmentally sustainable.
- Establish a European Net of tobacco-free and butts-free National Parks making them more healthy and reducing contamination and risk of fires.
- Extend outdoor smoke and vapor-free spaces, especially those frequented by minors (parks, swimming pools, sports events and centers, shows, and restaurants terraces).
- Eliminate tobacco advertising and presence in audiovisual productions, and social media, especially addressing covert advertising through influencers and product placement.
- Finance R&D projects for diseases caused by tobacco use to improve their prognosis and make them curable.
The signing procedure and website will be launched in January 2023. ENSP is looking for support in implementing a European campaign in order to raise awareness of the initiative and gather signatures. |
Back to the 7th European Conference on Tobacco Control
After more than 2 long years of the pandemic, restricted interactions, and online meetings and conferences, this year's ECTC gathered people again and especially showcased the beauty of brilliant minds sharing, listening, and discussing the latest updates, achievements, and future directions of action from the tobacco control community in Europe and beyond.
While waiting for next year's announcement, you can now relive the 2022 Conference in pictures. |
The latest publications in the TPC Journal:
Kalle Kainiemi, Antti Malmivaara, Sari Sillman-Tetri, Mervi Lasander, Minna Heinonen, Tellervo Korhonen, Juhani Sand, Tiina Laatikainen, Antti Kyrö
April D. Summers, Hulya Sirin, Krishna Palipudi, Toker Erguder, Angela Ciobanu, Indu B. Ahluwalia
Mostafa H. I. Rashed, Mohamed Chehab, Nagah Selim, Khalid Alkarbi, Mohamed I. Bougmiza
Richard E. Hohn, Jessica Shum, Iraj Poureslami |
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