European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention Newsletter
6 April 2023 |
The 8th edition of the ENSP European Conference on Tobacco Control will take place in Florence, Italy
The next ENSP European Conference on Tobacco Control (ECTC) will take place on 10-12 October 2023 in Florence, Italy. The 8th edition of the Conference is co-organised with ENSP's Italian members and partners and will be followed by the 19th SITAB National Congress.
More details will follow soon... |
The call for abstracts is now open!
We are pleased to invite you to submit your abstract for the 8th ENSP European Conference on Tobacco Control via the form below. |
The deadline for abstract/symposium submission is 30 June 2023
at 23:59 CET.
All questions and collaboration proposals should be addressed to the ENSP Secretariat. |
Take part in the public consultation
Stakeholders' Targeted Consultation on EU4Health: future priorities, orientation and needs
The EU4Health Programme aims to build a strong European Health Union by supporting legislative and non-legislative Union health priorities. With a budget of EUR 5.3 billion for the period 2021-27, this represents an unprecedented level of financial commitment for public health.
The Commission is inviting key stakeholders to take part in a targeted consultation on the current and future Union health priorities, strategic orientations and health needs that need to be addressed through future EU4Health annual work programmes. The results will be used in the consultation report and will also feed into the EU4Health stakeholders’ conference on 9 June 2023.
The deadline to contribute is 8 May 2023.
Have your say!
Evaluation of the legislative framework for tobacco control
Due to factors such as the rapid rise in emerging products and recent technical developments, the European Commission will evaluate the legal framework for tobacco control. |
The evaluation will cover product regulation, advertising, promotion, and sponsorship, in the broader context of related tobacco control policies. It will evaluate to what extent the framework has fulfilled its goals and whether it is able to support a ‘tobacco-free generation’ by 2040, as announced in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.
After the feedback period held in 2022, the European Commission is asking for input from both the general public (e.g. non-experts and experts responding in an individual capacity) and organisations, in particular tobacco control stakeholders.
Responses can be submitted in any official EU language before 16 May 2023 (midnight Brussels time). |
Apply now for the observer status
to the next COP and MOP!
The Secretariat of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) and the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products (the Protocol) is pleased to announce that the application process for observer status to the COP and to the MOP is now open online. New Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are invited to apply by 22 August 2023 for the COP and 29 August 2023 for the MOP.
Applications are accessible on the following links:
European Citizens' Initiative - Tobacco-Free Europe
Updates from across Europe
Be a European Citizen and use your right as defined by the EU Constitution to make a change for you, for your loved ones, and for the next generation! |
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Follow us on social media and help us spread the word through your networks using the hashtags
#ECITFE and #TobaccoFreeEurope ! |
Tobacco as a threat to the environment
Stop Tobacco Pollution Alliance (STPA), a coalition of organizations behind the global movement to align plastics policies with tobacco control, launched a campaign to urge countries to ban cigarette filters and make tobacco polluters pay for the environmental damage they have caused over many decades.
The campaign aims to encourage the public to
- Learn about the cost of tobacco plastics pollution in their country, and
- Add their voice to ask governments to ban cigarette filters and make tobacco polluters pay.
The campaign is hosted on GGTC’s cost calculator page which features STOP’s environment country brief that provides the cost of tobacco’s plastic pollution in each country.
Tobacco products damage the environment at every stage of their lifecycle:
- Cultivation: Clearing lands and burning plant residues lead to deforestation, while agrochemicals/pesticides pollute waterways and poison fishes.
- Curing: Burning firewood to cure leaves causes deforestation and water scarcity.
- Processing&Manufacturing: Processes involve use of toxic chemicals, and emission of greenhouse gases & other waste.
- Distribution: Greenhouse gases are emitted during transport.
- Use: Toxic residue from tobacco smoke lingers in the environment (indoor particulate matter concentrations are 10x higher than diesel car exhausts). Cigarettes are also the most common cause of accidental fires and toxic third-hand smoke materials pollute the environment.
- Disposal:
- Waste Management: Cigarette butts are some of the most littered items on earth and tobacco product packaging yields 2 million tons of solid waste annually.
- Marine Pollution: Over 1/3 of cigarette butt litter wind up in the oceans and 19-38% of total debris in ocean clean-ups are cigarette butts. Environmental toxins leach from butts inducing long-term harm to marine life.
Read the full briefing here... |
Uncovering the truths
Behind the Tobacco Industry's Deception
To kick off the campaign, the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control (GGTC), a convenor of STPA, partnered with
The New York Times on a post entitled ‘
Uncovering the Truths Behind the Tobacco Industry’s Deception
' to shed light on cigarette filters’ aggravating role in cancer and ocean pollution as well as the tobacco industry’s deceptive tactics to conceal the truth.
The post leads readers back to tobaccoplastics.ggtc.world, featuring the environment country brief on the cost of tobacco’s plastic pollution produced by STOP, a tobacco industry watchdog (presented above), where readers can vote in support of the campaign. The voices gathered from the campaign will help STPA deliver its message to the next round of the UN Plastic Pollution Treaty negotiations, INC-2, from May 29 to June 02, 2023, in Paris, France. In some countries, this can also help bolster advocacy on tax increases, tobacco sponsorship / CSR bans, and filter bans.
13 April 2023
Why the public health community must engage in the UN Plastic Treaty process Webinar
ENSP, a proud member of the Stop Tobacco Pollution Alliance (STPA), invites you as a member of the public health community, to learn about the global movement towards the plastics treaty and its potential impact on tobacco control at domestic and regional levels.
The movement will represent the voices of and progress made by global tobacco control advocates at the second session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to the Plastics Treaty (INC2) scheduled from May 29 to June 2, 2023 in Paris, France, and at the 10th session of the Conference of the Parties to the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (COP10), scheduled in November.
The objective of the webinar is to garner support from key stakeholders in public health, show the importance of the Plastic Treaty, its current status, and what’s next.
The webinar will be hosted twice on 13 April to accommodate additional time zones and regional speakers. Please find below the links for registration:
Other news and publications
Last chance to register to the 9th European Conference on Tobacco or Health
Ahead of the 9th edition of the European Conference on Tobacco or Health (ECToH), which will be held in Madrid from 26 to 28 April, interested stakeholders are reminded that it is the last chance to register. The conference represents a great opportunity for all participants to continue the work in the fight against tobacco and strengthen the tobacco control community to achieve that goal.
The 9th ECToH will be organized in 2023 around the theme of achieving a tobacco-free generation by 2040 and will offer a special place to young people in different dedicated sessions, where ENSP will be involved as well. Young people have therefore the opportunity to register for the conference at a special student rate.
3 May 2023
2nd Conference on Health Diplomacy:
Romanian - Belgian perspective
The Second Conference "Health Diplomacy: Romanian-Belgian perspective" will be hosted on 3 May 2023 around the theme of strengthening cooperation in the area of oncology. Organised with the collaboration of the Embassy of Romania in the Kingdom of Belgium, WHO and ENSP, this conference will bring, in Brussels (
Château de la Solitude), experts from Romania, Belgium and Europe in health diplomacy, cancer prevention and treatment policies in order to share the latest developments in these areas. The aim of this event is to consolidate the well-integrated Romanian medical community in Belgium by encouraging dialog and sharing best practices at bilateral and European levels.
New technical standards for the establishment and operation of a traceability system for tobacco products
A new Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/448 of 1 March 2023 published by the European Commission is amending the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574 on technical standards for the establishment and operation of a traceability system for tobacco products with a series of additional definitions.
Tremendous amounts of illicit tobacco products seized by OLAF in 2022
In their latest press release, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) states that international operations conducted in 2022 with national and international customs and law enforcement agencies led to the seizure of 531 million illicit cigarettes, more than 205 tonnes of raw tobacco and 65 tonnes of water-pipe tobacco. |
OLAF highlights a change in the traditional smuggling model, confirming an increasing trend of illicit production within the EU:
"This year, the majority of the cigarettes impounded thanks to OLAF – 316.7 million (59.5%) – were seizures from illicit production within the EU."
Belgium bans the sale of nicotine pouches
A joint action led by the Belgian Foundation against Cancer and the Health Observatory Hainaut has been conducted with regard to the urgency of banning the sale of nicotine pouches in Belgium. This measure was part of the anti-tobacco plan, signed by the Minister of Health and 23 other ministers. Consequently, the Royal Decree of 14 March 2023 confirms the decisions taken in this area within the framework of this plan, prohibiting the sale of these products in Belgium.
New STOP Report on Driving Addiction:
F1, Netflix and Cigarette Company Advertising
STOP released its latest report on the tobacco industry and Formula One. The research highlights how PMI and BAT are evading advertising restrictions and reaching more young audiences as the sport expands into new markets, especially the U.S. and the Middle East. The report spotlights as well how much tobacco branding is reaching people via Netflix’s “Drive To Survive” program. According to this study, Netflix streamed more than one billion minutes of “Drive to Survive” programming that contained tobacco-related branding. Half of all Season 4 episodes contained tobacco-related branding in the opening minute. The report calls on the International Automobile Federation (FIA), the governing body of F1, to completely ban all tobacco sponsorship in Formula 1 activities in order not to expose its fans to harmful tobacco industry advertising.
The latest publications in the TPC Journal:
Tanya Pronina, Sergei Sychik
Nandita Krishnan, Carla J. Berg, Daisy Le, Jasjit Ahluwalia, Amanda L. Graham, Lorien Abroms
Gera E. Nagelhout, Nikita L. Poole, Marcel Metze, Marc C. Willemsen, Wouter Vermeulen, Floor A. van den Brand
Nikita L. Poole, Gera E. Nagelhout, Tessa Magnée, Lotta C. I. de Haan-Bouma, Cas Barendregt, Onno C. P. van Schayck, Floor A. van den Brand
Danielle van Kalmthout
Ellen Cosgrave, Aishling Sheridan, Edward Murphy, Martina Blake, Rikke Siersbaek, Sarah Parker, Sara Burke, Frank Doyle, Paul Kavanagh |
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